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Glocester Residents Surprised by Increased Taxes

Raising Taxes
The Glocester Town Council reported that a mistake in reporting tax-exempt property owners resulted in a rise in the personal property tax rate of roughly 75 cents. When residents opened their tax bills last week, they noticed the problem. (PHOTO: PATCH.COM)

Town Councilor Steve Arnold stated during the July 20 meeting that everyone was shocked by the tax rate of $14.25 per $1,000 of assessed value. He said that the council believed the tax rolls to be fixed at $13.52 per $1,000 of assessed value. VB

 Raising Taxes

he Glocester Town Council reported that a mistake in reporting tax-exempt property owners resulted in a rise in the personal property tax rate of roughly 75 cents. When residents opened their tax bills last week, they noticed the problem. (PHOTO: EXPATTAXES.COM.AU)

Raising Taxes

Even then, according to Arnold, the rate was high.

Additionally, there were no adjustments to expenses, and the council votes on the budget, not the rate.

“It’s for an unfortunate reason,” he stated.

Numerous tax-exempt properties, according to Arnold, were included in the “wrong bucket” of taxable properties. He acknowledged that he didn’t know how the error was discovered, but additional analysis revealed that the rate needed to be changed. CNBNEWS


Numerous tax-exempt properties, according to Arnold, were included in the “wrong bucket” of taxable properties. He acknowledged that he didn’t know how the error was discovered, but additional analysis revealed that the rate needed to be changed.

“What changed was that. The budget didn’t change by any money. No expenditure has changed, he declared, adding that doing so would be against the law.

Arnold expressed his gratitude that it was discovered before the bills were sent out and that it did not have to be corrected.

“That is the whole story and the short story all at once,” he remarked.

Arnold acknowledged that he rarely spoke for the entire council, but in this instance he was certain that everyone else was equally dissatisfied and angered by the error.

He continued, saying that even though it wasn’t a complete reassessment year where assessors went inside homes, the additional $420 in taxes were compounded during that year.

“It’s a major event. People’s taxes increased much more than they ought to have, he claimed.

The error, according to LaPlante, is an excellent illustration of why the municipality needs a town manager to supervise departments and aid in staff retention. Adam Muccino, the town’s former finance director who had already announced his resignation, remained to work with the budget on a per-diem basis.


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