21-year-old Chloe Wisniewski bought a 3-month-old pit bull mix puppy from Facebook after she went to take a “quick shower” but came out when she heard her baby screaming.

Florida Mother Charged With Child Neglect After Buying Pit Bull Mix Attacks Baby And Chew Off Multiple Fingers (PHOTO: The Mirror)
Florida Mother Charged With Child Neglect
Florida mother identified as Chloe Wisniewski from Port Charlotte is currently behind bars after her baby girl lost multiple fingers after being mauled by a dog inside their home earlier this year, authorities said.
The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office shows the Florida mother’s online jail records when she was arrested on June 16 and charged with child neglect.
Wisniewski’s arrest came almost four months after the February 14 dog attack, in which she allegedly left her baby in a bassinet in the same room where she also kept her 3-month-old mix pit bull puppy that she had recently bought off Facebook, according to an affidavit cited by Fox 4 News.
Wisniewski went to take a shower but suddenly heard screaming, the affidavit states.
Wisniewski also told the investigators that when she came out of the bathroom, she saw her puppy Apollo allegedly “chewing” on the infant’s hand inside the bassinet.
The Law & Crime reported that the Florida mother called 911 after removing the dog from the baby and wrapping the infant’s hand in a cloth, the affidavit states.
Wisniewski was living in a garage at the home that had been converted into a bedroom and said she was feeling sick before she allegedly left the baby alone in a room with Apollo, the pit bull mix.
The Dog Was Taken By The Charlotte County Animal Control
Apollo was taken by the Charlotte County Animal Control and they quarantined the dod as part of the protocol after being transferred to the Animal Welfare League.
Moreover, the Department of Children and Families conducted a drug assessment of Wisniewski, whose urine analysis allegedly tested positive for THC at the time the attack happened.
The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office eventually concluded a probable cause that Wisniewski allegedly “did, by culpable negligence, neglect to deliver the baby with the care and supervision and services necessary to support physical health,” causing “permanent disfigurement” to the child.
The baby is recovering with family members and Wisniewski was recently freed on a $7,500 bond and given supervised visitation. Wisniewski is scheduled to have her arraignment on July 17 with her public defender Robert Denny.
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