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Hunter Biden Laptop Allegations: Intel Says It Contains All Classic Earmarks Of Russian Operation

Hunter Biden Laptop
Hunter Biden Laptop Allegations, Intel Says It Contains All Classic Earmarks Of Russian Operation (PHOTO: KDRV)

Hunter Biden‘s laptop allegations escalated in the last week of the presidential campaign last 2020, CBS News reported.

Hunter Biden Laptop

Hunter Biden Laptop Allegations (PHOTO: Politico)

Hunter Biden Laptop Allegations

51 former top intelligence officials have signed a letter stating Hunter Biden’s laptop contains all classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

According to a report from the GOP-led House Judiciary and Intelligence that the statement was allegedly designed to aid the presidential candidacy of Joe Biden and its dissemination was coordinated by the Biden campaign. A 64 pages report stated that the House investigators wrote to all 51 former officials and are requesting documents and testimonies.

An interim report accuses Biden’s campaign of taking active measures and discrediting allegations about Hunter Biden and exploiting the credentials of national security of former intelligence officials. Investigators claimed that they have evidence about the current CIA employee who may have assisted to obtain signatories for the said statement.

On the other hand, House Democrats Representatives Jerrold Nadler and Jim Himes have released a joint statement that criticized Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan about the report they believed mistakenly target the former national security officials in raising concern about a possible Russian operation targeting the United States.

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What Happen To Hunter Biden’s Laptop?

USA Today reported that last April 12, 2019, Hunter Biden’s laptop was dropped off at Mac Isaac shop together with an external hard drive but never returned to pick up the laptop and the external hard drive.

Mac Isaac has stated that Hunter Biden has abandoned the laptop and that he owned the laptop, after 90 days. Mac Isaac admitted that he examined the files and turned them into the FBI, and former President Donald Trump’s lawyer, Rudy Giuliani. The one who publicized the contents before the election in 2020.

The content of the files included photos of Hunter Biden without clothes, intimate relations with other adults, and Biden using drugs.

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