2023 Direct Payments – Four states will be sending checks this month. The state of California, Georgia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey.

2023 Direct Payments (PHOTO: Marca)
2023 Direct Payments This Month
According to Washington Examiner, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey will be sending out checks this month ranging from $250 and $1,500.
State of California
California residents in Sonoma County can expect their $500 monthly stimulus checks in their respective bank accounts on May 17. Out of 6,450 applicants, 305 were selected by Pathway to Income Equity program.
According to Sonoma County Administrator’s Office, applicants must have a child under 6 years of age affected in any way by the COVID pandemic and have an income of no more than 185% above the federal poverty level. The first payment of this program was given last March this year.
State of Georgia
Georgia residents can expect a check ranging from $250 for single filers, or married filers filing separately, up to $500 for residents who are married and filing jointly. This will be possible if residents filed their individual income tax returns for the 2021 tax year and 2022 tax year by April 18, 2023, while residents who are head of households will receive $375. Residents can check the status of their checks online for the exact distribution of dates.
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2023 Direct Payments
State of Massachusetts
In two weeks, residents in Chelsea, Massachusetts receiving money from a subsidy program will be expecting their final payment. Ranging from $200 to $400, the funds will be distributed through the Chelsea Eats program.
State of New Jersey
New Jersey homeowners will be expecting larger checks this month out of the 4 states. With up to $1,500 for homeowners who make up to $150,000 a year. While $1,000 for homeowners who make up to $150, 000 and $250,000. Renters are also lucky as they will also receive checks or stipends of $450 if they did not make more than $150,000 a year.
Overall, 4 states will be sending checks this month. It will be the state of California, Georgia, Massachusetts, and New Jersey. Residents must not overlook this chance and check for eligibility in every state.
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