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Guaranteed Income Pilot Program: $500 Monthly Payments Kicks Off in Central Iowa

Guaranteed Income [Photo: The Southern Maryland Chronicle]
Guaranteed Income [Photo: The Southern Maryland Chronicle]

A Guaranteed Income Pilot Program in Iowa will issue $500 in monthly checks to eligible residents. In this article, read and find out who qualifies for the monthly payments!

Guaranteed Income [Photo:]

Guaranteed Income [Photo:]

One of the Guaranteed Income pilot programs in the U.S. has been launched in central Iowa. This program is known as UpLift and it intends to provide financial assistance to the residents of central Iowa with low incomes. The programmer of UpLift, Michael Berger, states that 25% of the residents of central Iowa spend more than a third of their income on housing. Therefore, there is reportedly not much left for basic needs such as food, medical care, and child care.

According to Russo, The Harkin Institute, a nonpartisan research firm, has helped in launching the Guaranteed Income pilot program. Under the UpLift, the residents of central Iowa can now expect to receive $500 in monthly checks. Apart from the financial assistance, these monthly payments also intend to help the recipients look for better employment, improve mental and physical health, and provide for unforeseen emergencies.

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Who is qualified for the Guaranteed Income pilot program?

According to Barreda, to be eligible for the Guaranteed Income pilot program, an applicant must live in either Dallas, Polk, or Warren Counties in Iowa. They must also have at least one dependent who is 25 years old or younger. In addition, the applicant must earn a household income that is at or less than 60% of the area’s median income. For a household with four members, the income must amount to $59,190.

Applicants who think they are eligible can apply online until tomorrow, February 27. Among the applications, a total of 110 applicants will be selected to receive the monthly payments. After the random selection is made, the chosen recipients will be notified and will receive $500 a month for 24 months.

READ ALSO: $500 Monthly Payments Being Issued In Missouri Under Guaranteed Income Program

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