Residents of Massachusetts have received 14% of their 2021 income tax as tax rebates this year. Compared to tax rebate programs of most states, Massachusetts taxpayers receive different amounts of payments, says Taylor.

Tax Rebates
The state of Massachusetts’ tax rebate program is different from the stimulus programs of other states. This is because, in Massachusetts, eligible taxpayers receive different amounts of payments as tax rebates. These taxpayers receive 14% of their income tax liability from their 2021 tax return.
In early November, the rebates have started arriving and since then, the state distributes millions of rebates every week. According to reports, more than 2 million worth of rebates were already sent via paper checks and another 1 million via direct deposit.
Who are eligible for these tax rebates?
According to Taylor, to be eligible for these tax rebates, recipients must have paid individual income taxes in 2021 and filed 2021 tax returns by October 17, 2022. However, if tax returns have not yet been filed by that period, filers can still do so until September 15 of next year. Again, eligible taxpayers will receive 14% of their 2021 income tax liability.
However, if a taxpayer has overdue taxes or has child support obligations, the amount of tax rebates may be reduced by the unpaid tax liabilities or owed child support. Last November 1 and December 15, the tax rebates should have been received.