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Holiday Bonus: $1,000 For Employees Of Schools In Maryland This Christmas

Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland [Photo: Patch]
Anne Arundel County Public Schools in Maryland [Photo: Patch]

A $1,000 worth of holiday bonus was received by employees of public schools in Maryland just in time for Christmas. These employees were rewarded with a small gesture of appreciation for all the hard work they have done for the academic institutions, says Notheis.

Schools in Maryland

Schools in Maryland

A $1,000 worth of Employee Appreciation Bonus was received by employees at Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) district in Maryland as an early Christmas present. This bonus was intended to provide additional cash assistance this holiday season. According to the AACPS district, last December 16, public schools from their county gave their employees a bonus of $1,000 granted by the Board of Education. This bonus will be distributed to all permanent employees aside from those who are on leave of absence on December 16. This bonus will also be correlative to an employee’s working hours.

Where This Bonus Came From

According to Notheis, the budget for these holiday bonuses will come from the money AACPS has set aside after experiencing job vacancies across the school district. As a result, AACPS will no longer need to request any additional subsidy to compensate for these bonuses. The employees were also notified about a healthcare insurance policy that will be implemented on December 28. According to the announcement, there will be no healthcare insurance deducted from the employees’ salaries on that day.


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