In response to the COVID-19 health emergency, the Delaware Division of Social Services will issue SNAP, TANF, and General Assistance benefits to eligible households this October. Besides the emergency benefits, regular benefits for October will also be issued, says Delaware News.

Delaware October Emergency Benefits
According to Delaware News, the benefits the Delaware Division of Social Services will issue are part of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and two cash assistance programs, namely Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) and General Assistance (GA). The SNAP food benefits will be accessible on Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards on October 27. TANF and GA households will be granted emergency cash benefit checks on or after October 27.
All SNAP households will get at least $95 for the food benefits. On the other hand, the cash assistance for TANF and GA households will increase up to the maximum benefit amount for the size of their household. However, households that have already received the maximum amount for the TANF or GA benefits or those that have a prorated benefit for October are not eligible.
How Emergency Benefits Are Calculated
The monthly emergency benefit of a household is equivalent to the current maximum benefit amount for its size minus the household’s current monthly benefit amount. For instance, based on the current limits of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) for SNAP benefits, if a household of one regularly receives a monthly benefit of $100, an emergency benefit of $181 will also be received ($281 maximum benefit less $100 monthly benefit).
Around 59,000 Delaware households are expected to receive the SNAP benefits, roughly totaling $11.9 million for the month of October. On the other hand, about 180 households are eligible to be granted cash assistance, roughly totaling $24,000 for the month of October.