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20 Cases of Anthrax Outbreaks in 5 Countries in Eastern and Southern Africa, According to WHO

(AP Photo/Brian Inganga, File)

As worries grow, the World Health Organization (WHO) says that the anthrax disease is spreading in five countries in East and Southern Africa: Kenya, Malawi, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. WHO says that more than 1,100 suspected cases have been recorded in these areas this year, along with 20 confirmed deaths.

(AP Photo/Brian Inganga, File)

Anthrax Outbreaks Impact on the Area

The WHO most recently reported 1,166 potential anthrax cases in five countries, of which 37 were lab-confirmed. Although seasonal outbreaks occur quite often, the current situation in Zambia is the worst in terms of outbreaks since 2011. Likewise, in Malawi, a human case was recorded this year, and in Uganda, the death of 13 people was documented.

It is typically discovered in animals, such as cattle’s, sheep’s, and goats’. It can be transmitted to people from infected animals or contaminated animal products. It is not considered to be highly contagious between people, but some cases of person-to-person spread have been reported.

Anthrax is caused by spore-making bacteria that thrive in the dirt. WHO has described the outbreaks in these areas as compounded because of sudden weather changes, poor nutrition, low risk perception, and close proximity to sick animals.

READ ALSO: 5 Countries in East and Southern Africa Have Anthrax Outbreaks, WHO Says, With 20 Deaths Reported

Zambia’s Case

WHO reveals that as of November 1, 2008, there were 684 suspected cases and four deaths, which is the most worrying of the outbreaks in Zambia. It is important to note that nine of the ten zones of Zambia have already been found to contain human cases, which should be cause for concern. The disease is so scary that it is thought to have affected 26 people after consuming meat from an infected hippopotamus. 

The World Health Organization warns that there is a high probability of the Zambian outbreak spreading to neighboring states. This is what demonstrates the need for regional countries to join hands to contain the spread of the illness. 

Countries need to act quickly to alleviate the effects of anthrax outbreaks that have already affected them and prevent them from spreading more.

Five Countries in East and Southern Africa Have Anthrax Outbreaks, WHO Says

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