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Tax Bonanza for India: Government’s Tax Revenue Soars by 24.07% – What’s in Store for the Economy?

Government’s Tax Collections Soar: A Big Boost for the Economy

India’s Tax Revenues See a Significant 24.07% Jump: What Does it Mean for the Country?

According to newsmakers, The Indian government is getting a big boost in tax money. They collected Rs 5.74 lakh crore as of July 11, 2024. This is a big increase of 24.07% from last year. The government is getting more money from both big companies and individual income taxes.

In June, the government collected Rs 4.50 lakh crore, which is a 20.99% increase from last year. Big companies paid Rs 1.8 lakh crore, and individual income taxes paid Rs 2.81 lakh crore. This means the government is getting more money from people who work and earn money.

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Tax Bonanza for India: Government’s Tax Revenue Soars by 24.07% – What’s in Store for the Economy? (PHOTO: GOOGLE)

What to Expect from India’s Upcoming Budget: A Stronger Economy in the Offing?

The government is going to present its new budget on July 23. This budget will be based on how much money they have collected in taxes so far. With more tax money, the government can make better decisions for the country’s economy and make sure it grows stronger.

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