Disney’s Park Pass Predicament: $9.5 Million Settlement Reached
Dream Key Holders to Receive Compensation After Disney’s Broken Promises
According to TheSuns, Disney has agreed to pay $9.5 million to settle a lawsuit from Americans who bought special tickets called Dream Keys. These tickets were supposed to let Americans make their plans for visiting Disney’s parks, but it didn’t work that way. Instead, Americans who bought the tickets were limited in what they could do.
The Americans who filed the lawsuit said that this was not what they were promised, and it caused them problems. Disney did not admit to doing anything wrong, but they agreed to pay the money anyway. The money will be split equally among the Americans who bought the tickets.

Disney’s $9.5M Dream Key Settlement: Get Your Share of the Cash! (PHOTO: GOOGLE)
Get Your Share: Dream Key Holders May Receive Compensation
If you bought a Dream Key between August 25, 2021, and October 25, 2021, you might be able to get some of this money. You will need to fill out a form and show proof that you bought the ticket. This ends the lawsuit and means that no one can sue Disney again over these same issues.