Student Loan Hope Rises: 39% of Americans Expect More Forgiveness
Struggling with Student Debt? You’re Not Alone: 1 in 6 Borrowers Behind on Payments
According to Bloomberg, A new survey shows that many Americans are more hopeful about getting help with their student loans. The survey asked people if they think the government will forgive more student loans in the next year. The answer was yes, with 39% of people saying they think it will happen.
This is good news for many students who have been struggling to make payments on their loans. Unfortunately, many people are still having trouble making payments. One out of six borrowers is behind on their payments, and many haven’t made a payment at all.

Student Loan Relief on the Horizon: 39% Expect Forgiveness, But Challenges Remain (PHOTO: GOOGLE)
Struggling with Student Debt? You’re Not Alone: 1 in 6 Borrowers Behind on Payments
The government has tried to help by forgiving some student loans, but some people are still struggling. The government recently announced that interest rates on federal student loans will be higher next year. This might make things harder for borrowers. We’ll have to wait and see what the government does next to help people with their student loans.
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