Lower Taxes and Enhanced Services Under Hornberger Plan
Tax Relief and Strategic Investments Unveiled by Hornberger
According to the report of CECIL WHIG, in Cecil County County Executive Danielle Hornberger has revealed her big plan for the money the county has. She wants to help people by making taxes lower and putting more money into important things like schools and safety. Her budget which is $364.2 million lowers the amount of tax people have to pay for their properties and the money they earn. She also continues to reduce property taxes for the fourth year in a row. Even though the budget for giving back money to property owners is now $10 million instead of $20 million it still shows she wants to help people with their finances.
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$364.2M Plan Offers Tax Relief and Boosts Funding for Cecil County Key Sectors (PHOTO: Buffalo Bulletin)
Strengthening Schools Safety and Community Services in Hornberger Budget Proposal
Hornberger plan also focuses on making sure schools in Cecil County have enough money. She wants to give them $4 million more than what the state says they have to give. This is important because it shows she wants kids in Cecil County to have good schools. She also putting a lot of money into building a new school which is called the North East Middle and High School. She making new jobs for people who answer emergency calls and building new places for paramedics to work. She also giving more money to the sheriff office and getting new ambulances. This means people in Cecil County will be safer. She also helping places like the Cecil County Public Library by giving them more money for extra staff and staying open longer. The budget will be decided on June 4, 2024 but before that people can give their thoughts at meetings. This way everyone can see how the money is being used and talk about what they think.
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