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Tax Credits for Family Caregivers Gain Momentum Among Older Voters – Support Soars!

AARP Survey Reveals Strong Support for Family Caregiver Tax Credits Among 40+ Voters

Over 89% of Registered Voters Across Political Spectrum Back Family Caregiver Tax Credits

A recent survey conducted by AARP has shed light on the strong desire among registered voters aged 40 and older for lawmakers to enact family caregiver tax credits. The survey findings revealed overwhelming support, with 89 percent of respondents from across the political spectrum advocating for increased state funding and expressing strong support for the implementation of a tax credit aimed at easing the financial burden on family caregivers. In Hawaii, over 50 percent of older voters indicated they would favor candidates who champion caregiver tax credits, emphasizing the significant impact such measures could have on supporting aging individuals who wish to remain in their homes. Kealii Lopez, the AARP Hawaii state director, emphasized the urgent need for legislative action to provide support for family caregivers, citing the preference of older individuals to age in place rather than seek costly nursing home care. While an initial caregiver tax credit bill faced setbacks, House Bill 2404 remains under consideration in the Senate Ways and Means Committee. AARP is advocating for the expansion of the bill to encompass a broader range of caregivers, recognizing the invaluable contribution of the approximately 154,000 family caregivers in Hawaii who provide over $2 billion worth of unpaid care annually.

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Family Caregivers Face Emotional and Financial Struggles, According to AARP Survey

The AARP survey also provided insights into the challenges faced by family caregivers, including emotional and financial stress, with transportation identified as a significant expense by 73 percent of respondents. Lopez underscored the importance of recognizing and supporting the vital role played by family caregivers, urging citizens to engage with their state Senators to push for the passage of the family caregiver tax credit. For more information and to support this cause, individuals are encouraged to visit AARP’s website.

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