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Senator Ron Wyden Pushes Federal Legislation For Security Chips On EBT Cards To Prevent Drained Accounts Due To Scams

Senator Ron Wyden is pushing for the addition of security chip on EBT cards. (Photo: Vox)
Senator Ron Wyden is pushing for the addition of security chip on EBT cards. (Photo: Vox)

Senator Ron Wyden is initiating the addition of security chips to EBT cards to prevent scams from further happening.

'This initiation led by Senator Ron Wyden  was due to EBT fraud incident experienced by Oregonians. (Photo: Oregon Capital Chronicle)

‘This initiation led by Senator Ron Wyden was due to an EBT fraud incident experienced by Oregonians. (Photo: Oregon Capital Chronicle)

Senator Ron Wyden’s Push For Security Chips

Senator Ron Wyden is pushing for federal legislation to require EBT cards for SNAP benefits to have security chips. This initiative by Senator Ron Wyden is to prevent scammers from draining accounts.

Aside from Senator Ron Wyden’s initiation, the Enhanced Cybersecurity for SNAP Act, co-introduced by Senators Fetterman and Cassidy, aims to protect recipients from skimming attacks that have resulted in millions of dollars in stolen benefits. The proposed law by Senator Ron Wyden would mandate the use of chip cards within two years and provide funding for the transition.

Senator Ron Wyden’s proposed law would also require states to offer free replacement cards within three days if compromised. The legislation initiated by Senator Ron Wyden aims to update anti-fraud technology every five years and help small businesses update their payment systems.

According to a published article by SmartNews, the initiation led by Senator Ron Wyden comes after Oregonians faced EBT fraud, with the state initially citing cost concerns and a lack of a reimbursement system. In December 2022, way before Senator Ron Wyden’s proposed law, a different law was passed allowing stolen benefits to be reimbursed, providing relief to victims.

A Town Hall Meeting By Senator Ron Wyden

In a published article by Western Oregon University, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden held a town hall meeting in Polk County where over 200 citizens gathered to voice their concerns and ask questions.

Citizens raised concerns about DACA recipients, election collusion, and offshore drilling on the Oregon Coast.

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