The Social Security direct payment of up to $4,555 will be disbursed to millions of retired senior citizens in three waves starting in the second week of September.

Up To $4,555 Social Security Direct Payment To Each Seniors To Be Released Next Week! (Photo: DailyKos)
When Will The Social Security Direct Payment Begin?
This will be such a piece of good news for retirees who have been patiently waiting for the release of their Social Security direct payment. According to the Washington Examiner, the first Social Security direct payment will be on September 13, Wednesday, for seniors who are born between the first and tenth of a month. The second wave of Social Security direct payment will be disbursed on September 20 to seniors who are born between the eleventh and twentieth of a month. Finally, the last batch of Social Security direct payments is coming out on September 27, intended for seniors born on or after the twenty-first of a month.
Meanwhile, there will also be a Social Security direct payment for a separate group of retired seniors. These are the seniors who receive Supplemental Security Income and Social Security benefits, seniors who retired before 1997, and U.S. retirees who stay outside the country. There’s no specific birthdate required for these beneficiaries, they are entitled to Social Security direct payment on September 7. Note that Social Security direct payments are different from other checks given by the SSA including disability insurance or Supplemental Security Income.
READ ALSO: Millions To Receive Up To $4,555: Massive Social Security Payment Rollout
How Much Social Security Direct Payment A Retired Senior Will Receive?
According to the announcement, the amount depends on certain factors such as the person’s age at retirement. Seniors who retire at the earliest age of 62 can get as much as $2,572 per month. Seniors who retire at the full retirement age of 67 can have a maximum check of $3,627 each month and seniors who delay their retirement to 70 can take home as much as $4,555 a month.
READ ALSO: How to Reach the $4,555 Max Social Security Benefit: Check Here!