There have been some stricter changes in SNAP work requirements made as of September 1, 2023, and SNAP beneficiaries shall be required to meet the eligibility in order to receive the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits.

2023 SNAP Work Requirements Changes: Check Here Who Are Eligible For SNAP Benefits! (Photo: 10News)
New SNAP Work Requirements Overview
To recap, the new SNAP work requirements changes were authorized through an act agreed upon the Congress on June 3 which suspended the debt ceiling. The new SNAP work requirements according to a published article in CBS News target to decrease government spending and otherwise increase the nation’s labor force.
The new SNAP work requirements covered all able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD)— and the new exemptions for veterans, homeless individuals, and youth aging out of foster care.
READ ALSO: SNAP Benefits 2023: Changes in Requirements Under New Debt Ceiling Deal
New SNAP Work Requirements
Under the new SNAP work requirements, adults aged 18 to 49 are subject to the ABAWD time limit. In other words, childless workers will receive SNAP benefits for more than three months during a three-year course provided that they meet both general and additional work requirements.
Meanwhile, the new SNAP work requirements shall gradually increase the age of those childless workers beneficiaries to 50 on September 1 this year, from 50 to 52 on October 1, and from 52 to 54 on October next year.
Further, the new SNAP work requirements mandate childless workers in the given age range to be able to work at least 80 hours a month or must be currently enrolled in a training or education program.
For those who are exempted from the new SNAP work requirements, let’s take a closer look at its released guidance. First off, under the new SNAP work requirements, veterans shall refer to any person who served in the U.S. Armed Forces or Reserves, including those who are discharged or released from duties.
Homeless individuals on the other hand, according to the new SNAP work requirements shall refer to any person who doesn’t have a fixed and regular nighttime residence or someone who stayed in a supervised shelter, halfway house, or a place that was not designed for temporary accommodation for not more than 90 days.
Lastly, the new SNAP work requirements for youth aging out of foster care shall refer to any person who is 24 years old and below and who was in foster care at age 18 or older dependent on the state’s foster age range.
These new SNAP work requirements shall be effective until October 1, 2030, unless amendments will be made.
READ ALSO: SNAP Benefits 2023: New Work Requirements Under the Debt Ceiling Deal