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One Of The Agents In The IRS Admits To Breaking Into A Taxpayer’s Home Under A False Name

Fake Name
Fake Name ( Photo: Tax Attorney )

Washington DC. – IRS officials used a pseudonym for Ohio taxpayers. He was arrested on the spot and revealed new information that there was a fraudulent method aimed at safe entry to the taxpayer’s home.

Fake Name

Fake Name ( Photo: The Wall Street Journal )

Investigation of the IRS rationale and whether the visit was intended to intimidate witnesses before Congress

The details of this field visit are bizarre. On April 25, 2023, an IRS employee who identified himself as “Bill Haus” of the IRS Criminal Division visited a taxpayer’s home in Marion, Ohio. Agent “Haus,” told the taxpayer that he was at her home to discuss matters related to the estate for which the taxpayer is the trustee. The taxpayer let him into the country after Agent “Haus” revealed details of his property known only to the IRS. Agent “Haus,” told taxpayers they owed the IRS a “massive amount” because they didn’t properly complete probate forms. Prior to the visit, the taxpayer had not received notice from the IRS regarding the outstanding balance of the estate.

The taxpayer called his attorney, who immediately repeatedly asked Agent Haus to leave the taxpayer’s home

Agent ‘Haus’ reacted strongly, emphasizing: “I’m an IRS employee, I can come and go to anyone’s house at any time.” Finally, before leaving the taxpayer’s property, agent ‘Haus’ said he would send the documents to the taxpayer and threatened to give her a week to settle the remaining balance, if not he will freeze all her assets and value her house.

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