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Want Social Security Benefits Up To $4,555? Here’s The Salary You Need

Max Social Security Benefit
Max Social Security Benefit ( Photo: Investopedia )

Social security benefits are an important means for people to supplement their retirement savings and income.

Max Social Security Benefit

Max Social Security Benefit ( Photo: Armstrong Fleming & Moore, Inc. )

Achieving maximum monthly social security checks is very difficult.

Social Security benefits are designed to supplement a retiree’s savings and help cover everyday expenses in retirement. With people living longer and everything getting more expensive, retirees need to do everything they can to make the most of their Social Security benefits. While the salary earned throughout a career has a large impact on how much Social Security can ultimately claim, retirees need to consider other factors when trying to get the highest monthly check. Your choice to claim Social Security can also have a significant impact on your benefits. Retirees or people planning to retire can choose to claim benefits at age 62 or age 70.

Salary needed to get maximum social security

Social security is primarily funded by payroll taxes. 6.2% for employees and employers and 12.4% for the self-employed. The idea is that the more you pay for Social Security through your career, the more money you receive. However, employees are only required to tax a certain amount of their annual income. This limit is known as the benefit base and tends to increase each year with inflation. This is what makes it so difficult to reach the maximum monthly Social Security check. However, if you meet or exceed the benefit threshold each year for 35 years and then delay claiming benefits until age 70, you can receive checks up to $4,555 per month.


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