Correction Notice: An earlier version of this story misstated the schedule of checks coming to recipients. They will receive an SSI check on December 31, 2024.
Extra SSI Check Scheduled for November
Some Social Security beneficiaries may notice an unusual adjustment to their payment schedule for November. An extra Supplemental Security Income (SSI) check is set to be issued, which may come as a surprise to those accustomed to receiving a single monthly payment. This modification, while slight, can create confusion for the approximately 7.5 million individuals receiving SSI benefits in 2024.
Why Are There Two SSI Payments in November?
The reason for the double payment in November is a scheduling quirk related to the calendar. Typically, SSI benefits, which provide financial assistance to low-income seniors and disabled individuals, are distributed on the first business day of each month. However, since December 1 falls on a Sunday this year, the December SSI payments will be issued on the preceding Friday, November 29.
As a result, SSI recipients will receive their benefits on the following dates in November:
- Friday, Nov. 1
- Friday, Nov. 29
Understanding Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is distinct from Social Security retirement benefits. According to AARP, while the Social Security Administration (SSA) distributes SSI benefits, it does not directly fund them. Unlike Social Security, which is primarily funded through income taxes, SSI is financed by the U.S. Treasury and state-level supplements.
Eligibility Criteria for SSI
SSI is designed to assist older individuals and those with disabilities who meet certain income criteria. The SSA outlines that eligible individuals may include adults or children with:
- Little or no income
- Little or no resources
- A disability, blindness, or being age 65 or older
For 2024, the maximum monthly benefit available for an individual is $943, while couples qualifying for SSI can receive up to $1,415.
Differentiating SSI from Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)
It is important to note that SSI benefits differ from those commonly referred to as “disability” benefits or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). SSDI is awarded based on work history and contributions to Social Security through income taxes. In contrast, SSI does not require a work history for eligibility.
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November Social Security Payment Schedule
The SSA provides its annual distribution schedules well in advance, allowing recipients to plan accordingly. For November, recipients of typical Social Security retirement benefits can expect payments on the following dates:
- Wednesday, Nov. 13: Birth dates between the 1st and 10th of the month.
- Wednesday, Nov. 20: Birth dates between the 11th and 20th of the month.
- Wednesday, Nov. 27: Birth dates between the 21st and 31st of the month.
New Simplified SSI Application Process
In an effort to streamline the application process for SSI benefits, the SSA recently announced a new online system called iClaim. This system will feature simpler, plain-language questions designed to expedite the application process for both applicants and claims processors.
While the rollout will not provide immediate access to all applicants, the SSA indicated that the new system will generally be available in December for first-time applicants between the ages of 18 and nearly 65 who have never married and are applying for both Social Security and SSI benefits simultaneously.