The ugliest states in the US and why the reasons for such names.

The mentioned states are said to have a unique culture but have ugly sceneries. (Photo: Markie Young – Medium)
Ugliest States Located In The US
Some states in America are considered one of the ugliest states and lack diverse natural landscapes.
Some of the ugliest states are better known for their unique cultures than their scenery.
According to a published article by Critical Financial, some of the ugliest states include Iowa with rolling farmland, Delaware with flat, featureless land, and Indiana with endless cornfields.
Also on the list of the ugliest states are Illinois with main cornfields and a skyline in Chicago, Maryland with urban sprawl in central areas, and Pennsylvania with rolling hills and urban sprawl in the east.
Ohio is also considered one of the ugliest states with flat landscapes and little parkland, Louisiana with poor green rating and vulnerability to flooding, and even Oklahoma with a flat terrain but beautiful sunsets.
Locations That Aren’t Considered One Of The Ugliest States
In a published article by Thrillist, California is not on the list of the ugliest states since California is known for its diverse natural beauty, from beaches to deserts to national parks.
Hawaii is also safe from being considered one of the ugliest states as it offers spectacular landscapes across its different islands, showcasing a wide range of environments.
Even Alaska is not considered one of the ugliest states as Alaska stands out for its awe-inspiring wilderness, with glaciers, snow-capped peaks, and expansive tundra. These states offer some of the most stunning natural scenery in the United States.
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