Fresno often referred to as The Raisin Capitol is situated in San Joaquin River Valley, California with more than half a million residents according to World Population Review. Although the city has a solid economy and many entertainment options to offer, the top 3 most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno aren’t really out of the box. Well, according to data, Fresno crime is reportedly higher than the national average, however, compared to other cities with similar sizes like Atlanta, Nashville, and Washington DC, the city has far fewer violent crimes. Violent crimes, property crimes, and gang violence which operate mostly in the Southeast and West contribute to the top 3 most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno.

Top 3 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Fresno: Unveiling The City’s Risky Areas. (
Top 3 Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Fresno: The 2023 Outlook
1. Central

Here’s Central boarding the first spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. (Photo: ABC3OActionNews)
Here’s Central boarding the first spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. It is extremely not advisable to go to Central at night but when you do in instances call, make sure you have some protection at hand such as pepper spray or an alarm to ask for help just in case. With approximately 14,000 population, Central reportedly has 241% more violent crime than the Fresno average. It also recorded a total of 2,270 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
2. Edison

Here’s Edison hopping to the second spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. (Photo:
Here’s Edison hopping to the second spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. This neighborhood which comprises over 25,000 people is home to industrial and small-town eateries as well as an easy-to-reach airport. Like Central, it is not recommended to wander here during dark, especially without a trusted family or friend. Edison reportedly has 77% more violent crime than the city average and tallied a violent crime rate of 1,175 per 100,000 people.
3. Fresno-High

Fresno-High climbed to the third spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. (Photo: YouTube)
Fresno-High climbed to the third spot of one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Fresno. This neighborhood has more than 56,000 residents, with numerous schools, and is considered a good spot to raise a family, however, it is still a must to look out for yourself and your family. Fresno-High reportedly has 63% more violent crime than the Fresno average and recorded a total of 1,084 violent crimes per 100,000 people.
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