The jaw-dropping athleticism of the Paralympic powerlifters at the 2024 Paris Paralympics has been leaving viewers awestruck as competitors from around the world defy the odds and break world records. Venezuela’s Clara Fuentes won gold in the women’s up to 50-kilogram category on Thursday, lifting an astonishing 124kg. The day before, China’s Guo Lingling twice shattered the world record she set in February by lifting 122kg and 123kg—more than three times her body weight—and winning her first women’s up to 45kg Paralympic gold. For the men, Mohamed Elmenyawy won Egypt’s first gold in the 2024 Paralympics by lifting 201kg in the men’s up to 59kg division. It is Elmenyawy’s first time participating in the Paralympic games, and he reportedly lifted three times his body weight. At the 2023 World Championships, he finished in third place.