Some fans are wondering this week whether Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s relationship was created for publicity, after photos of an alleged contract—containing Kelce’s PR firm’s letterhead—went viral on Reddit.
The images of the alleged breakup plan, which is printed under the logo Full Scope Public Relations, details the way the firm will handle Swift and Kelce’s pre-planned breakup, which is dated September 28, 2024. It also outlines plans for the exact wording and timing for how Kelce should announce the separation, as well as who he should have interviews with in the aftermath.
Kelce’s publicist and founder of Full Scope, Jack Ketsoyan, told Daily Mail that the photos of the memo are “entirely false and fabricated and were not created, issued or authorized by this agency.” He also told the site that he hired a lawyer to “initiate proceedings against the individuals or entities responsible for the unlawful and injurious forgery of documents,” though it’s not clear how Ketsoyan plans to find the person responsible for creating the document.
And yet, Ketsoyan has previously admitted to using “showmances”—fake celebrity romances to present to the public—during a podcast interview in 2019. In a conversation featured on Mamamia’s Australian podcast The Quicky, Ketsoyan said “I’ve had two [showmances] that I did in my career.” He then explained, “The main clue you would see is if a certain high profile male is dating a female who was not high-profile, and all of a sudden overnight, they are the most talked about girl in Hollywood and everyone wants a piece of them.”
“It’s such a career boost for a female that some females end up taking the deal because it just—overnight they become a household name,” he continued. Obviously in the case of Swift and Kelce, the genders are swapped—and Ketsoyan happily explained how that works as well.
“It’s more uncommon on the male side of it than the female side of it to be honest,” he said, since “there’s certain celebrities who back in the day were in the closet and it was not OK to be out. We live in a completely different time nowadays.” Even though times have changed for gay male celebrities, he said it “still happens” for a more high profile woman to date a lesser known man for publicity, which some fans have said could apply to Swift and Kelce.
“It’s to be able to sell the hype of it—whether a concert, album, or getting people to go to see the movie, it’s all about the hype at the moment,” Ketsoyan added. Despite those damning comments, one thing that does seem to support his claims that the documents are forged is that it “reads like a high school assignment” or like it may have been generated by ChatGPT, as some social media users have pointed out.
Others commented, “Now they won’t break up Sept 28 and they will double down on making it seem real.” Or as another wrote, “Now they have to have three kids just [to] prove this wrong.”