Singer-songwriter Taylor Swift and British actor Joe Alwyn broke up after a six-year of relationship. Fans questioned the world tour era of Taylor Swift as a hint for their break up.

Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn Split After Six Years of a Relationship (Photo: Lehren)
Did Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn Break Up?
Taylor Swift and Joe Alwyn called it quits.
Taylor Swift’s world tour eras hinted to fans in their break up. ET revealed on Saturday that American songwriter and British actor Joe Alwyn broke up a couple of weeks ago, “it was not dramatic.” The source said the relationship ran its course, which is why Joe Alwyn has not been spotted in any shows.
Swiftie’s fans reasons why they conclude the era tour as a ‘hint’ of their breakup is because of the song “invisible string,”—which they believe is a loved song that is dedicated to Joe Alwyn. Taylor Swift also played “The 1”, which describes the breakup. Both song tracks came from the album of folklore. In Arlington, Swift states, “One thing we said about The Eras Tour, ‘You think you can just go online, you think you can just scroll and know the setlist? You think you can just come prepared?’ Let it be said about The Eras Tour: we’re tricksy. That’s what we are. We enjoy a good, healthy setlist hijinks,” Swift said.
The two celebrities started dating way back in 2016, and their relationship is “doing great,” and the bond relationship is “strong.” Joe Alwyn said in the interview that both of them are very private persons, which has now sunk in for people.
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