A former mayor’s son named Jack McGinn was recently arrested due to child pornography.

Jack McGinn also admitted to downloading illegal content. (Photo: The Courier Mail)
Jack McGinn’s Criminal Case
Jack McGinn, 29, was arrested in Seattle for possessing and dealing child pornography. Jack McGinn is the son of the former Seattle mayor.
Jack McGinn admitted to downloading illegal content but said he never acted on it. Jack McGinn blamed his actions on a cocaine addiction.
Jack McGinn’s case was reported by Google to the authorities. According to a published article by KUOW, child pornography usage is a widespread issue, with an increase in reports from tech companies in recent years.
More Information About Jack McGinn’s Case
In a published article by KING5.com, Jack Francis Lynch McGinn, the son of former Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn, has been charged with possession and distribution of child pornography.
Jack McGinn will be arraigned on April 15 and was arrested at his home in Greenwood after admitting to downloading files of underage children engaged in explicit conduct.
Jack McGinn has a cocaine addiction and used the internet to access illegal materials during weekend benders.
The state requested bail for Jack McGinn of $70,000 and restrictions on contact with minors, internet use, and substance consumption.
Jack McGinn moved into his parents’ home after they moved to the East Coast. Mike McGinn, Jack McGinn’s father, served as Seattle mayor from 2010 to 2013 and ran for reelection in 2017 but lost.
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