Arrest in Duluth: Fake Gas Station Robbery

(PHOTO: Blaze Media)
Confession Reveals Deception
Raj Patel and Danny Curtis got arrested in Duluth for making up a fake gas station robbery according to Black Enterprise. Security cameras caught Curtis doing suspicious stuff that didn’t match Patel’s story. Even though Patel said Curtis wasn’t involved Curtis admitted during questioning that they planned the fake robbery together. At first, Curtis denied knowing anything about the fake gas station robbery. But cops found money on him and he eventually confessed. It turns out Patel made up the whole story and Curtis helped him do it. Even though the cops thought the security footage looked funny Curtis admitted they were trying to fake it.
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Jail Time for Curtis and Warrant for Patel
Curtis is still in jail facing theft and conspiracy charges. Patel was initially charged with lying to the cops but now he’s wanted for conspiracy too. The police say they’ve got a warrant for Patel’s arrest showing how serious they are about what happened.
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