Bronx, New York In a tragic turn of events, a 49-year-old man passed away on Friday while in police custody after allegedly hitting a nurse who was attempting to assist. EMS had been called to the man’s home in the Bronx at 10:20 a.m. to report injuries suffered in a previous car accident. This is where the event happened.
Reports from the New York Daily News say that the EMS team ran into trouble when the man refused to be treated and refused to be put into an ambulance. During the fight that followed, the man is said to have hit a 33-year-old first responder with his head.
Even though there was a fight, the EMS team was able to get the man to NYC Health and Hospitals/Lincoln on 149th Street. The man’s death while receiving medical attention at the hospital, who was still in police custody, made things even worse. No one knows what happened.
The Force Investigation Division of the New York Police Department is looking into the man’s death. This division is in charge of looking into events involving the use of the police force. This team is usually involved when someone dies while in police custody, and their goal is to do a full investigation of what happened.
The name of the individual who died has been kept secret until the family is notified. The man lived in an apartment in Mott Haven on Prospect Avenue. As the police look into the details of this terrible event, questions are being raised about what happened that led to the man’s death and how he interacted with first responders and police.