In a heartbreaking event, a Georgia state court judge tragically ended his own life in the courtroom after experiencing defeat in his reelection bid....
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A man, who had eluded authorities for almost two months, was apprehended near the Leawood Target following a high-speed chase early this morning. In...
A tragic accident occurred in Kansas City on Monday morning, resulting in the loss of two lives. The incident took place at approximately 10:30...
Five individuals were successfully rescued from the Mississippi River following a reported collision between a tugboat and a ship. The Coast Guard confirmed that...
A crash occurred in Brooklyn on Tuesday morning, resulting in three individuals being hospitalized, including two who were riding together on a moped, as...
In a heartbreaking event, a Georgia state court judge tragically ended his own life in the courtroom after experiencing defeat in his reelection bid....
Sebastian Zapeta, aged 33, stands accused of igniting the fire using a lighter while Ms. Kawam was in a state of slumber. Allegedly, he...
A duplex in southeast Wichita was heavily damaged after catching fire on Saturday night. A duplex on E. Ross Parkway near George Washington Blvd....
Two individuals lost their lives on Monday morning in Kansas City when they were struck by a street racer, according to the Kansas City...