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38-Year-Old Victim Recounts Decades-Old Sexual Assault by Chicago Teacher, Raising Questions About CPS’s Handling of Abuse!

A Lifetime of Nightmares

A Systemic Failure: CPS’s Handling of Abuse Questioned

According to CBS the trauma of sexual assault resurfaces for Jane Doe, now 38, as she recounts her harrowing experience with a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) high school English teacher over two decades ago. In her first on-camera interview, she describes enduring nightmares almost nightly and the enduring difficulty of discussing the ordeal. The lawsuit scheduled for a mid-May 2024 trial alleges that Walter Glascoff, the teacher in question, initiated inappropriate contact with Jane during her junior year at Hubbard High School in Chicago’s West Lawn Neighborhood.

According to Jane’s lawsuit filed in 2019 Glascoff’s actions escalated from initially attempting to befriend students via email to coercing Jane into sexual encounters during the 2003-2004 school year. The allegations detail instances where Glascoff insisted on seeing her bought her alcoholic beverages, and sexually assaulted her in various locations outside of school. Despite the abuse, Jane didn’t disclose the events until confiding in a therapist in her 30s, prompting an investigation by the Department of Children and Family Services and CPS. While Glascoff resigned following the investigation the trauma endured by Jane persisted, prompting her to pursue legal action.

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38-Year-Old Victim Recounts Decades-Old Sexual Assault by Chicago Teacher, Raising Questions About CPS’s Handling of Abuse! (PHOTO: CBS News)

Expert Witness’s Controversial Testimony Raises Questions About Definition of Sexual Assault

The legal battle surrounding Jane Doe’s case against CPS intensifies as controversial revelations emerge from the deposition of an expert witness Dr. Prudence Gourguechon hired by CPS to testify about childhood sexual abuse. Dr. Gourguechon’s testimony raises eyebrows as she suggests that not every instance of a teacher having sex with a high school student qualifies as sexual abuse and indicates that the traumatic impact of sexual assault depends on various factors. These assertions add complexity to an already contentious case shedding light on CPS’s handling of similar lawsuits involving student victims in the past. As the trial approaches Jane Doe’s pursuit of justice underscores broader systemic issues within CPS and the ongoing struggle to address and prevent sexual misconduct within educational institutions.

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