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Over 617,000 Individuals ICE Removed Since May 2023 – Continued Removal Operations!

ICE Facilitates Removal of Noncitizens from the U.S.

ICE’s Enforcement Efforts at the Southwest Border

ICE has been helping to send people who are not supposed to be in the United States back to their home countries, according to the report of US Immigration and Customs Enforcements. From March 18 to March 22, ICE worked closely with other government agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Customs and Border Protection to organize flights to places like Central America, Colombia, and Mexico for these individuals.

Since May 12, 2023, ICE has sent back over 617,000 people who crossed the border including more than 97,000 family members. Most of these people came from the Southwest Border area. ICE makes sure everyone no matter where they’re from is checked to see if they have a good reason to stay in the U.S. They also make sure this is done properly and fairly.

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ICE Facilitates Removal of Noncitizens from the U.S. (photo: ICE)

Transportation Tactics: ICE’s Methods for Repatriation

When people are told they have to leave they get a chance to talk to a judge about their situation. This happens in special courts for immigration cases run by the Justice Department. ICE doesn’t talk about its future plans for sending people back because of security reasons. They use different ways to send people back home like regular flights and special charters. In 2023, ICE sent back a lot of people – over 142,000 – to more than 170 countries. The Department of Homeland Security has even provided videos to show how these flights work and to share stories from people who have been sent back.

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