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Concerning Crime Rates in Neighborhoods of Austin Texas and Identifying Risky Areas

(Photo: austintexrealestate)

Diving into Safety Concerns: Exploring Neighborhoods in Austin Texas with Varying Crime Rates

The city’s downtown and tourist districts stand out as among the safest neighborhoods in Austin Texas, with lower crime rates than many other large American cities, offering a 1 in 18 chance of residents becoming crime victims. (Photo: austintexrealestate)

Unmasking Safety Challenges: Analyzing Crime Trends in Austin’s Neighborhoods, from Georgian Acres to Montopolis

According to source, Austin, renowned for its vibrant atmosphere, also harbors areas concerning crime rates. While Austin is generally considered safe, some neighborhoods pose higher risks. The city’s downtown and tourist districts are among the safest neighborhoods in Austin Texas, with lower crime rates than many other large American cities. Austin residents face a 1 in 18 chance of being crime victims, and the most dangerous neighborhoods in Austin.

Georgian Acres, situated in north central Austin, tops the list as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Austin Texas, with a population of 9,600. In 2022, its crime rate was a staggering 365% higher than the national average, reaching 10,925 per 100,000. Despite its notorious reputation, efforts to revitalize parts of the Georgian Acres neighborhood in Austin, Texas, are underway. The median home price in Georgian Acres neighborhoods in Austin, is currently $90,800.

Montopolis, located in southeast Austin, is another high-crime neighborhood in Austin, Texas, with a population of 12,211. With a crime rate 302% higher than the national average, residents face a 1 in 11 chance of being crime victims in Montopolis neighborhoods in Austin Texas. The Martin Luther King Highway 183 area, home to 8,366 people, has a crime rate of 8,250 per 100,000, 252% higher than the national average, making it known for both violent and property crime. The neighborhood struggles with high poverty rates, with a median income of $38,101.

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Security Challenges in Riverside, Johnston Terrace, and Saint Johns Neighborhoods, Austin, Texas

Riverside, despite its growing population and affordable housing options, has a crime rate of 8,283 per 100,000, 248% higher than the national average in Riverside neighborhoods in Austin Texas. While violent crime isn’t a major concern, personal theft and car theft are prevalent. Johnston Terrace, a small community in east Austin, with 1,681 residents, faces a total crime rate of 7,695 per 100,000, 228% higher than the national average in Johnston Terrace neighborhoods in Austin Texas. Affordable housing attracts middle-class residents, but caution is advised due to common crimes like theft and burglary.

Saint Johns, located in central Austin, is another concerning area with a population of 9,414. The crime rate in Saint Johns neighborhoods in Austin Texas, is 156% higher than the national average, totaling 6,002 per 100,000. Described as a working-class neighborhood, Saint Johns neighborhoods in Austin Texas, has a median home price of $149,120, and residents have a 1 in 17 chance of being crime victims. Despite its affordability, it remains one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Austin Texas.

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