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Are Taxpayer Funds Being Used to ‘Block’ a Kirk Cameron Public Library Event? GOP Senators Want Answers

Tax payers funding
For more than a year, actor, author, and producer Kirk Cameron has been hosting story times at public libraries all throughout the country, sharing patriotic and family-oriented messages while reading books with a strong religious message to kids and families. At these occasions, hundreds or even thousands of people have shown up. (PHOTO: MOVIEGUIDE.ORG)

There are ways to “block” Cameron and others from reserving rooms at libraries for his August 5 nationwide story time reading event, an ALA official informed member librarians this summer during the organization’s Library 2023 Worldwide Virtual Conference. WUFE.

Tax payers funding

For more than a year, actor, author, and producer Kirk Cameron has been hosting story times at public libraries all throughout the country, sharing patriotic and family-oriented messages while reading books with a strong religious message to kids and families. At these occasions, hundreds or even thousands of people have shown up. (PHOTO: MSN.COM)

 Tax Payers Funding

One suggestion made by the person was for participants to organize a “library-sponsored Pride festival the same day and fill the library with rainbows” in order to spread messages of “inclusion and diversity.”

Three Republican senators asked the American Library Association in a letter on Friday whether it was using taxpayer money to try to stop people from reading Cameron’s pro-faith books, even though the ALA had welcomed “drag queen” reading events to its libraries. FOXNEWS.

“The complaint stated that “blatant discrimination against religious publishers.”

Uncovering the Benefits of Taxpayers Blocking a Kirk Cameron Public Library Event

The senators’ letter included the following quote: “As a recipient of federal funds, the ALA is prohibited from using taxpayer funds to commit First Amendment violations; however, it appears the ALA is ignoring this prohibition for the sole purpose of stifling Brave Books while also supporting ‘Drag Queen Story Hour.'”

The first two children’s books published by Cameron are published by Brave Books.

In an effort to hold the ALA responsible for what he perceives as discrimination against him and his pro-faith messaging, Cameron has been working with First Liberty Institute, the nonprofit Christian conservative legal group with headquarters in Texas, as Fox News Digital has reported.

“While I’m trying to encourage thousands of Americans to visit public libraries and read wholesome books to their children, the taxpayer-funded American Library Association is not only judging me, they are teaching libraries to break the law and conspiring to prevent thousands of families from visiting their own community reading rooms,” Cameron said in a statement to Fox News Digital earlier on this issue.

Ironically, the ALA has received government monies for “free community involvement training,” according to the senators’ letter from July 28: “Over the course of several decades, the ALA has received millions in taxpayer cash.

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