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Convicted Sex Offender, 2 Teenage Girls Likely Among 7 Found Dead in Suspect’s House in Oklahoma

Convicted Sex Offender Jesse L. McFadden [Photo: CNN]
Convicted Sex Offender Jesse L. McFadden [Photo: CNN]

Jesse L. McFadden, along with two missing teenage girls, were likely among the seven dead bodies found in McFadden’s house in Oklahoma. The convicted sex offender was scheduled for trial last May 1 but reportedly did not show up.

Two Teenage Girls Found Dead in Convicted Sex Offender's House [Photo: People]

Two Teenage Girls Found Dead in Convicted Sex Offender’s House [Photo: People]

Ashleigh Webster, mother of one of the missing teenage girls, Ivy Webster, 14, stated that their family and Jesse L. McFadden, 39, had been friends since December 2020. They lived on the same block and the Websters did not have any issues with McFadden’s family.

An article in CNN states that on April 29, Ashleigh received a Snapchat message from Ivy around midnight that day and another message around 10 a.m. on April 30. In addition, Ashleigh also reportedly received a call from McFadden around 5 p.m. on that day saying he and the girls were in McAlester, a nearby town. However, Ashleigh added that McFadden allegedly could not talk properly because of a bad signal.

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Convicted Sex Offender Found Dead with the Girls

According to Murphy, McFadden was scheduled for trial on charges of solicitation of a minor on May 1 at 9 a.m. However, court records showed that the convicted sex offender failed to show up, thereafter issuing a bench warrant for failure to appear.

Upon executing a search warrant, authorities eventually discovered the convicted sex offender dead, along with six other. The seven dead bodies were found in McFadden’s house in Henryetta, Oklahoma, around 90 miles away from the city. Unfortunately, among the seven bodies, authorities believed two of them belonged to the missing teenage girls, Ivy and Brittany Brewer, 16.

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