Nebraska may be known for college football, endless fields of corn, and the occasional tornado, but its real test of residency is knowing how to pronounce its trickiest town names. Thanks to a mix of Native American, French, and good old Midwestern efficiency, some of these words sound nothing like they look. If you can say them all without hesitation, congratulations—you might just be a true Nebraskan.
14 Words Only True Nebraskans Can Pronounce
Nebraska (Nuh-BRASS-kuh)
If you over-enunciate that last “a,” you’re trying too hard.
Beatrice (Bee-AT-riss)
Say “Bee-ah-treece,” and you’ll get some looks.
Norfolk (NOR-fork or NOR-fuk)
Just don’t say “Nor-folk.” That’s in Virginia.
Papillion (Puh-PILL-yun)
No, it’s not pronounced like the French butterfly.
Kearney (CAR-nee)
If you say “KEER-nee,” you’re officially not from here.
Otoe (OH-toe)
Not hard, but you gotta know it.
Loup City (Loop City)
The “p” is silent, and the locals will make sure you know it.
Schuyler (SKY-ler)
Don’t let the spelling fool you.
Ogallala (Oh-guh-LAH-luh)
If you can say it, you probably spent summers at Lake McConaughy.
Weeping Water (WEEP-in’ Water)
You better drop that “g” if you’re a real Nebraskan.
Niobrara (Nye-uh-BRER-uh)
Looks tough, but if you’ve been there, you know how to say it.
Burwell (BUR-well)
Home of Nebraska’s Big Rodeo, and you better say it right.
Wahoo (WAH-hoo)
Yes, it’s a real place, and yes, it’s fun to say.
Yutan (YOU-tan)
Not “Yoo-tawn.” Just keep it simple.
If you breezed through this list, congratulations—you’ve earned the right to complain about Husker football, debate Runza vs. Valentino’s, and explain to outsiders that there’s actually a lot more to Nebraska than just corn. You also know that Kool-Aid was invented here, that “the good life” is more than just a slogan, and that snow in May isn’t entirely out of the question. For everyone else, just listen, learn, and let a local do the talking—preferably over a plate of steak and potatoes.
The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Nebraska Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.