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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Mississippi Too Long

Mississippi is famous for its Southern hospitality, deep blues roots, and sweltering summers, but its real test of residency is knowing how to pronounce its trickiest town names. Thanks to a mix of Native American, French, and good ol’ Southern drawl, some of these words look nothing like they sound. If you can say them all without hesitation, congratulations—you might just be a true Mississippian.

14 Words Only True Mississippians Can Pronounce

Mississippi (Miss-uh-SIP-ee)

If you still have to spell it out loud, you’re not from here.

Biloxi (Buh-LUCK-see or Buh-LOX-ee)

Either way works, just don’t say “Bill-OX-ee.”

Tchula (CHOO-luh)

Looks scary, but rolls off the tongue easy.

Noxubee (NOX-uh-bee)

A silent “x” would’ve been too easy.

Kosciusko (Koz-ee-ESS-ko)

Named after a Polish general, pronounced in pure Mississippi fashion.

Pascagoula (Pas-kuh-GOO-luh)

Say it right, and someone might just buy you a shrimp po’boy.

Itta Bena (It-uh BEE-nuh)

If you can say it, you probably know about its blues history.

Belzoni (Bell-ZOH-nuh)

Not “Bel-ZOH-nee.” Italians would cry, but this is Mississippi.

Tupelo (TOO-puh-loh)

Home of Elvis, and no, it’s not “Tuh-PELL-oh.”

Yalobusha (Yal-uh-BOO-shuh)

Say it fast, and don’t let the letters scare you.

Quitman (KWIT-mun)

The “man” part? Forget about it.

Amory (AIM-uh-ree)

Not “Am-more-ee.” Keep it simple.

Scooba (SCOO-buh)

If you giggled, you’re not from here.

Grenada (Grah-NAY-duh)

Not like the Caribbean island—this one’s got a Southern twist.

If you nailed these without hesitation, congrats—you’ve earned the right to debate which BBQ is best, roll your eyes at people who think it snows here, and claim you saw Elvis before he was famous. You also know the meaning of “y’all,” can navigate a dirt road in the rain, and understand that sweet tea is practically a birthright. For everyone else, just smile, nod, and let a local do the talking—preferably over a plate of catfish.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Mississippi Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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