Arizona isn’t just a state—it’s a way of life. Between the desert heat, haboobs (yes, that’s a real word), and our undying loyalty to iced tea, we’ve developed a language all our own. So if you want to blend in with the locals and avoid sounding like a lost tourist asking where the Grand Canyon is (again), here are some phrases you need to know.
1. “It’s a dry heat.”
Translation: It’s still hot, but at least it won’t make you feel like you’re wrapped in a wet towel. If you hear this, it means the temperature is somewhere between “mildly uncomfortable” and “surface of the sun.”
2. “I can make it before the light changes.”
Translation: I have a death wish. Arizona drivers are a special breed—if the light is yellow, that means at least three more cars are still going through.
3. “It’s monsoon season.”
Translation: The sky is about to throw a temper tantrum. One minute it’s sunny, the next there’s a biblical-level dust storm, followed by five minutes of torrential rain. Then it’s sunny again like nothing happened.
4. “Snowbirds are back.”
Translation: Traffic just got 10 times worse. Every winter, retirees migrate from colder states, doubling the population and making left turns an impossible dream.
5. “Watch out for cacti.”
Translation: Yes, they will hurt you. Unlike trees, cacti don’t just sit there—they attack. Jumping cholla, in particular, is an evil plant that will latch onto you like a vengeful porcupine.
6. “We don’t do daylight saving time.”
Translation: We refuse to play your time-change games. Arizona stays in one time zone all year, because changing clocks just seems unnecessary when the sun is always trying to cook us alive anyway.
7. “Where’d you move from?”
Translation: You’re probably not from here. If you’re in Arizona, chances are you arrived from California, the Midwest, or somewhere that doesn’t believe in functional air conditioning.
8. “Turn off the misters, it’s humid today.”
Translation: It’s 20% humidity and we’re panicking. If you’re from a place where humidity normally hovers around 80%, you’ll laugh. If you’re a true Arizonan, you know 20% humidity is basically unbearable.
9. “Meet me at In-N-Out.”
Translation: You have a 50% chance of it being an In-N-Out or a Filiberto’s. If you ask for fast food recommendations, you’ll end up at one of these two places. Possibly both.
10. “Haboob incoming.”
Translation: Batten down the hatches, a massive wall of dust is about to swallow us whole. If you’ve never seen a haboob, imagine a sandstorm straight out of Mad Max. It looks cool until you realize you left your windows down.
11. “It’s only a scorpion.”
Translation: Don’t freak out, but also, maybe don’t sit there. Arizona is full of creatures that can sting, bite, or ruin your day. If you live here long enough, you’ll accept the occasional scorpion sighting like it’s just another Tuesday.
So, if these phrases make perfect sense to you, congrats—you might just be a true Arizonan. And if you’re still confused, don’t worry. Just grab an iced tea, find some shade, and remember—at least it’s a dry heat!
The post 11 Expressions Only a True Local Arizona Native Will Understand appeared first on When In Your State.