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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Massachusetts Too Long

Massachusetts might be famous for its history, sports teams, and aggressive drivers, but its place names are what really separate the locals from the tourists. Thanks to a mix of Native American, English, and pure Bostonian stubbornness, some of these names sound nothing like they look. If you can say them all correctly, congratulations—you might just be a true Masshole.

14 Words Only True Bay Staters Can Pronounce

Massachusetts (Mass-uh-CHOO-sits)

If you say “Mass-a-TOO-setts,” you’re already in trouble.

Worcester (WUSS-tah or WIS-tah)

Say “Wor-chest-er,” and you’re getting side-eyed.

Gloucester (GLOSS-tah)

Just forget about that “u” and extra syllables.

Leicester (LESS-tah)

English spelling strikes again.

Peabody (PEE-biddy or PEE-buh-dee)

Say “Pea-body” and just leave now.

Quincy (KWIN-zee)

John Quincy Adams would be disappointed if you said “Quin-see.”

Haverhill (HAY-vrill)

Not “Have-er-hill.” You’ll never live that one down.

Scituate (SIT-choo-it)

Not as bad as Worcester, but still a tourist trap (for pronunciation and summer rentals).

Chicopee (CHICK-uh-pee)

If you can say it, you probably know a guy from there.

Billerica (Bill-RICK-uh)

The faster you say it, the more local you sound.

Tewksbury (TOOKS-bury or TOOKS-bree)

Don’t even try to say all the letters.

Dedham (DED-um)

The “h” is just there for decoration.

Nahant (Nuh-HAUNT)

If you say “Nay-hant,” we can’t help you.

Medford (MEH-fuhd or Medd-fuhd)

You know you’re from Mass when you drop the “r.”

If you got through this list without hesitation, congrats—you’ve earned the right to complain about the Red Sox bullpen, drive like a maniac on I-93, and argue about where to get the best roast beef sandwich. You also know that “wicked” is a normal adjective, and the only correct way to eat a hot dog is with Boston baked beans. For everyone else, just listen, learn, and let the locals do the talking—preferably over a Dunkin’ iced coffee.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Massachusetts Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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