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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Maine Too Long

Maine may be famous for lobsters, lighthouses, and Stephen King, but its real challenge for outsiders is figuring out how to pronounce its place names. With a mix of Native American, French, and pure Down East stubbornness, some of these words sound nothing like they look. If you can say them all correctly, congratulations—you’re either a true Mainer or you’ve spent way too much time lost on Route 1.

14 Words Only True Mainers Can Pronounce

Maine (Main)

Easy, but if you don’t stretch it into a two-syllable May-uhn after a few drinks, are you even from here?

Calais (Callus)

Forget your high school French class—this isn’t “Cal-lay.”

Kennebunk (Ken-uh-bunk)

No tricks here, just a town that sounds as fun as it is.

Kennebunkport (Ken-uh-bunk-port)

Same rules apply, just with more presidential history.

Bangor (BANG-gore or BANG-er)

Say it wrong, and a local will correct you before you finish.

Machias (Muh-CHAI-us)

If you said “Ma-chee-us,” bless your heart.

Skowhegan (Skow-HEE-gun)

Extra points if you know where the best maple syrup around here is.

Bucksport (BUCK-sport)

Simple, unless you say “Buck’s Port” like a tourist.

Saco (SOCK-oh)

Looks easy, but say “SAY-ko” and you’re out.

Topsham (TOP-sum)

The “h” is just there for decoration.

Presque Isle (Presk Isle)

Just drop that “ue” and pretend it was never there.

Damariscotta (Dam-uh-RISS-kotta)

If you can say it, you deserve a fresh lobster roll.

Passamaquoddy (Pass-uh-muh-KWAH-dee)

If you can get this one right, you’re officially a Mainer.

Sebago (Suh-BAY-go)

Say it wrong, and you’re swimming with the loons.

If you nailed these, congrats—you’re either a lifelong Mainer or you’ve spent enough summers here to claim honorary status. You know that winter lasts eight months, that “wicked” is a normal adjective, and that Allen’s Coffee Brandy is practically a food group. For everyone else, just smile, nod, and let the locals do the talking—preferably over a cup of chowdah.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Maine Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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