Maine may be famous for lobsters, lighthouses, and Stephen King, but its real challenge for outsiders is figuring out how to pronounce its place names. With a mix of Native American, French, and pure Down East stubbornness, some of these words sound nothing like they look. If you can say them all correctly, congratulations—you’re either a true Mainer or you’ve spent way too much time lost on Route 1.
14 Words Only True Mainers Can Pronounce
Maine (Main)
Easy, but if you don’t stretch it into a two-syllable May-uhn after a few drinks, are you even from here?
Calais (Callus)
Forget your high school French class—this isn’t “Cal-lay.”
Kennebunk (Ken-uh-bunk)
No tricks here, just a town that sounds as fun as it is.
Kennebunkport (Ken-uh-bunk-port)
Same rules apply, just with more presidential history.
Bangor (BANG-gore or BANG-er)
Say it wrong, and a local will correct you before you finish.
Machias (Muh-CHAI-us)
If you said “Ma-chee-us,” bless your heart.
Skowhegan (Skow-HEE-gun)
Extra points if you know where the best maple syrup around here is.
Bucksport (BUCK-sport)
Simple, unless you say “Buck’s Port” like a tourist.
Saco (SOCK-oh)
Looks easy, but say “SAY-ko” and you’re out.
Topsham (TOP-sum)
The “h” is just there for decoration.
Presque Isle (Presk Isle)
Just drop that “ue” and pretend it was never there.
Damariscotta (Dam-uh-RISS-kotta)
If you can say it, you deserve a fresh lobster roll.
Passamaquoddy (Pass-uh-muh-KWAH-dee)
If you can get this one right, you’re officially a Mainer.
Sebago (Suh-BAY-go)
Say it wrong, and you’re swimming with the loons.
If you nailed these, congrats—you’re either a lifelong Mainer or you’ve spent enough summers here to claim honorary status. You know that winter lasts eight months, that “wicked” is a normal adjective, and that Allen’s Coffee Brandy is practically a food group. For everyone else, just smile, nod, and let the locals do the talking—preferably over a cup of chowdah.
The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Maine Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.