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If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Kentucky Too Long

Kentucky is known for bourbon, horse racing, and college basketball, but its biggest challenge for outsiders isn’t picking between UK and UofL—it’s pronouncing its town names correctly. With a mix of Native American, French, and good ol’ Appalachian influences, some of these names don’t sound anything like they look. If you can say them all without hesitation, congratulations—you might just be a true Kentuckian.

14 Words Only True Kentuckians Can Pronounce

Louisville (LOO-uh-vull or LUH-vull)

If you say “Loo-ee-ville,” you’re officially a tourist.

Versailles (Ver-SALES)

It’s not French anymore; we made it our own.

Athens (AY-thens)

This isn’t Greece, so don’t say “Ah-thens.”

Paris (PAIR-us)

Fancy name, but small-town Kentucky through and through.

Cynthiana (Sin-thee-ANN-uh)

It may take a few tries, but you’ll get it eventually.

Paducah (Puh-DOO-kuh)

If you can say it, you’re probably stopping for BBQ.

Lebanon (LEB-nun)

We don’t have time for extra syllables around here.

Harrodsburg (HARE-udz-burg)

If you’re overcomplicating it, you’re saying it wrong.

Booneville (BOON-vill)

Named after Daniel Boone, but don’t drag out the pronunciation.

Morehead (MORE-head)

Simple, but if you giggle, you’re not from here.

Hazard (HAZ-urd)

No, it’s not just the Dukes of Hazzard’s last name.

Berea (Buh-REE-uh)

Home of the artsy folks, and a great way to spot an outsider.

Owensboro (OH-uns-burr-uh)

If you can say it, you probably know where to get the best burgoo.

Corbin (COR-bin)

Not hard to say, but if you don’t know it’s the home of KFC, you’re in trouble.

If you got all of these right, congratulations—you’ve earned the right to debate the best bourbon, complain about Indiana drivers, and claim you can make better fried chicken than anyone else. You also know that weather forecasts mean absolutely nothing and that “bless your heart” can be both an insult and a compliment. For everyone else, just listen, nod, and let a local handle the talking—preferably over a glass of sweet tea.

The post If You Can Pronounce These 14 Words, You’ve Lived in Kentucky Too Long appeared first on When In Your State.

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