San Francisco has become a political symbol in China as the US and China celebrate 45 years of diplomatic relations. This renewed focus on San Francisco stabilizes the delicate relationship between the two global giants. After bidding to host Chinese pandas, Mayor London Breed engages with Chinese officials to build ties.

Photo from Nepal Foreign Affairs
Filoli Summit Sparks ‘San Francisco Vision’: China’s Diplomatic Pivot for a Brighter U.S.-China Future
At last year’s Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit, President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping met in the Filoli Garden south of San Francisco.
This changed U.S.-China relations after years of animosity. After the APEC summit, China’s diplomatic narrative shifted toward San Francisco, a favorable change from previous critical portrayals in Chinese-language media.
The summit launched the “San Francisco Vision,” which China’s Foreign Minister Wang Yi called an optimistic outlook for U.S.-China relations. Biden and Xi discussed the “right way” to improve relations.
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San Francisco: The Diplomatic Hub for U.S.-China Relations According to Key Chinese Officials
China’s diplomatic messages mentioned San Francisco before APEC. After the Biden-Xi conference in Bali in 2022, Key officials, particularly Chinese Ambassador Xie Feng, promoted San Francisco as a venue for improving U.S.-China relations.
Liu Jianchao, leader of the Chinese Communist Party’s International Department, met with Mayor Breed in San Francisco on a recent visit to Washington, D.C. Liu stressed the “San Francisco Vision” and called for more municipal-level participation throughout the discussion.