There are six states that Americans should look forward to receiving up to $1,500 next year, says Notheis. See the list if yours is one of them.

Stimulus Payments from Different States
According to Blake, the payments to be distributed by some states will come in the form of tax rebates, additional budgets, or inflation payments. Most of these payments to be released next year are part of the programs that began in 2022. Some of these may also not be distributed to the recipients until May 2023.
List of Six States
The six states that Americans should look forward to receiving up to $1,500 next year are as follows: California, Colorado, Idaho, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and South Carolina. It is estimated that millions of Americans will receive these payments. Most of these states have already started sending out payments this year but will continue until next year.
The eligibility of recipients from these states will mostly depend on their current residence, amount of income, the status of their income tax return filing, and the size of their household. Some of the payments may be distributed earlier than others. Payments like direct deposits may be distributed earlier than those who opted to receive paper checks due to paper shortage, says Notheis.