Aspen City Council Approves Increase in Food Tax Return to Aid Residents with Grocery Budgeting
Aspen City Council Raises Food Tax Return to $85, Aiding Residents in Grocery Budgeting Efforts
In an effort to provide Aspen residents with greater assistance in budgeting, the Aspen City Council recently approved raising the food tax return from $65 to $85. This action is a part of the city’s effort to help people pay for groceries by returning to them the approximate amount of sales tax they pay annually because the city levies an annual sales tax of 1%. Residents who want to apply for this refund must do so by 5 p.m., so they should move quickly. April 15th, Monday. Please be aware that late applications will not be accepted. Refund cheques are anticipated to be mailed out by early May, and the city is committed to reviewing all applications received in April.
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$85 Increase in Food Tax Return for Aspen Residents- Check It Now! (PHOTO:
Important Requirements for Aspen Food Sales Tax Refund: Eligibility Criteria and Assistance Available at City Hall Finance Window
The Food Tax Refund requires applicants to make sure they fulfill a few requirements. As part of this, you must have lived inside the Aspen city boundaries the whole year 2023, file the food sales tax refund application by the deadline, and be registered to vote in Aspen between January 1 and December 31, 2023. For people already living in the city, it is essential to make sure their current location matches their registered voter address. Proof of residency inside the Aspen city limits is required for 2023. If someone is prohibited from registering to vote, there are exceptions. The Finance window at 427 Rio Grande Place, City Hall’s second floor, is open to assist anyone who needs help with the application process.