Discover how Entergy Mississippi is supporting its customers with free tax preparation services and valuable resources during the Super Tax Day events.

Mississippi Free Tax Assistance: To Host Super Tax Day Events (Photo: Canva)
Additional Free Tax Assistance Resources
Entergy is offering free tax assistance to Mississippi clients through Super Tax Day. These events attempt to help qualifying consumers file their income taxes easily by providing information on tax benefits, deductions, and free tax preparation services.
During Super Tax Day events, Entergy customers can get the government Earned Income Tax Credit. This is one of the best ways to help low-income families. To get the most money back on their taxes, volunteers who have received IRS training will assist people in obtaining this and other tax breaks.
The tax preparation workshops will also introduce families to Entergy’s free Kids to College child savings account. Families can build their children’s future with Entergy’s contribution and savings-matching options by opening an account.
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Free Tax Assistance: VITA Program
Entergy is making these vital services easily accessible across Mississippi during Super Tax Day. Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) facilities offer free in-person tax preparation for those who cannot attend, providing vital support beyond the event dates.
The Hill-Hernando Church Family will host the DeSoto County Super Tax Day event on Saturday, Feb. 17, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Customers can benefit from these critical resources and services.
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