Discover how California’s Inland Empire is pioneering a Basic Income Guaranteed Program to aid pregnant women and former foster youth, providing much-needed financial support with no-strings-attached cash.

In a pioneering move, the Inland Empire is unveiling a groundbreaking Basic Income Guaranteed Program, aiming to provide vital assistance to pregnant women and foster youth. (Photo: Quora)
Inland Empire Launches Groundbreaking Basic Income Guaranteed Program
In a pioneering move report by the US Sun, the Inland Empire is unveiling a groundbreaking Basic Income Guaranteed Program, aiming to provide vital assistance to pregnant women and foster youth. The $10 million pilot initiative, supported by Inland SoCal United Way, will allocate monthly payments of up to $750 for a duration of 18, with no stipulations on how the funds can be utilized.
The program specifically targets 500 pregnant women within their first six of pregnancy, who will each receive $600 per month, and 120 former foster youth, who will benefit from monthly payments of $750. Zachary Ginder, Chair of First 5 Riverside County Commission, emphasized the crucial importance of supporting parents and children from the earliest stages, highlighting the program’s focus on creating meaningful change in the lives of Riverside County families.
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This much-awaited program requires a minimum age of 18 and a maximum household income of less than $90,916.0. A Guaranteed Income partner agency must refer San Bernardino and Riverside county residents to the program. The GI program team can answer questions concerning processes at 951-289-3328.
Amid the enthusiasm for this basic income pilot, it’s worth noting that those who aren’t eligible for this specific program may find alternative options in their local area. Notably, expectant mothers in New York can enroll to receive $750 in monthly cash support. Additionally, other financial assistance programs, including tax credits and settlements, may be available to residents seeking additional support.
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