Here are some facts about Dillon, SC.

Consider Dillon, SC a destination on your next trip. (Photo: Clayco)
More Things To Know About Dillon, SC
Based on recent reports, Dillon, SC has a population of 6,454. The median home value in Dillon, SC is $82,630 and the median income is $34,086.
The cost of living in Dillon, SC is reported to be at 89, which is 0.9x lower than the recorded national average.
According to a published article by HomeSnacks, the median rent in Dillon, SC is at $681 while the unemployment rate is 3.9%.
The poverty rate in Dillon, SC is 39.6% and temperatures are usually at an average high of 73.9° and an average low of 51.0°.
Dillon, SC has 72.6 days of precipitation each year with an average of 45.7 inches of precipitation, and 1.2 inches of snow.
A Recent Shooting Incident In Dillon, SC
In a published article by WBTW, a 38-year-old man named Quentin Berry was shot and killed during an altercation on Amherst Drive in Dillon, SC.
The investigation for the recent shooting incident in Dillon, SC is ongoing and the body of the involved Dillon, SC man will be sent for an autopsy to determine the cause of death.
More information about this incident in Dillon, SC will be released as the investigation progresses.
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